File/Folder Structure

File Folder Setup

Before diving into the fun world of NFT creation, it's essential to understand how to organize and structure your folders. This ensures a smooth and efficient process when uploading your images to Kingdomly Creator.

For One of One NFTs: With 'One of One' NFTs, the folder structure is relatively simple. All you need is a single folder containing all the images you wish to mint as individual NFTs.

Note: The file name will be paired with the attribute "Name" for individual metadata

For Generative NFTs: The folder structure for generative NFTs is a bit more complex, but don't worry - we're here to guide you through it!

  1. Main Folder: This folder should contain subfolders, each representing a different trait layer for your generative NFTs.

  2. Subfolders: Each subfolder should contain the image files for a particular trait layer. You can name these folders according to the traits they represent, such as 'Background', 'Character', 'Accessories', etc. You can edit these names later if needed, but it's crucial to have these subfolders set up for the asset generation process.

  3. Nested Subfolders: You can have subfolders within your main trait subfolders, allowing for unique and complex character types. For instance, you could have a 'Knight' subfolder containing all your knight-specific traits, a 'Wizard' subfolder for wizard traits, and so on. This enables you to create diverse and detailed characters in your collection.

  4. Conditional Trait Files: Kingdomly Creator also supports conditional trait files, where one trait always pairs with another. For example, if you have a trait representing a character holding an object, you might need an accompanying 'Thumb Layer' trait that goes over the object. You can set these dependencies in our system to ensure that certain traits always appear together.

Here's a simplified example of what your folder structure might look like:

  • Main Folder (Your NFT Collection)

    • Subfolder 1 (Knight)

      • Nested Subfolder (Character Base)

        • Layer 1

        • Layer 2

        • Etc..

      • Nested Subfolder (Helmet)

        • Layer 1

        • Layer 2

        • Etc..

    • Subfolder 2 (Wizard)

      • Nested Subfolder (Character Base)

        • Layer 1

        • Layer 2

        • Etc..

    • Subfolder 3 (King)

      • Nested Subfolder (Character Base)

        • Layer 1

        • Layer 2

        • Etc..

      • Nested Subfolder (Crown)

        • Layer 1

        • Layer 2

        • Etc..

      • Nested Subfolder (Scepter)

        • Layer 1

        • Layer 2

        • Etc..

For Metadata Imports: Just follow the metadata_sample file below. It should folow Opensea's the metadata standard and be joined inside one array.

Important Note: The image attribute for each metadata should be uploaded in a public file bucket. Upon deploying, Kingdomly will change this into an IPFS url.

Take your time setting up your folders, ensuring each image file is in the correct place. A well-structured folder will make the next steps in your NFT creation journey even easier!

Next, we'll move on to uploading these images and setting up your collection.

Last updated